15 Day Course- $950 VALUE!

THE Industry Leader!

Our school is the largest trainer of synthetic rock construction and overlay building methods. We are top in our industry because we teach every method of rock construction and synthetic overlay available and we DO NOT sell any product!

News & FAQS

Natural rock pool surrounded by plants.
March 14, 2014

Rock It! Rock features are showing up everywhere. Why not add them to your repertoire? The world’s great deposits of synthetic rock were once concentrated in zoos, theme parks and the occasional museum exhibit. But times have changed, and these …

Rocky landscape with water and foliage.
March 14, 2014

Artistry, fantasy and heavy-duty craftsmanship converge in creating natural-looking artificial environments from synthetic rock panels. Applications range from animal habitats to luxury homes, with parks, restaurants, shops and hotels in between. There seems to be no limit to the creative …

I am a General Contractor and I always wanted to learn how to make artificial rocks and waterfalls to add to my homes to give them a little something extra. I saw Boulder Images ad in the mail so I signed up for the course. It promised to teach me how to build a waterfall in a 2 day course. I went to the class and we did build a waterfall in 2 days and learned about deck coatings as well. I was real excited until the end when we had to buy their products in packages from them. I mainly wanted to build landscape rocks and a few waterfalls. I could only buy packages from them that included pumps and hoses for the waterfalls. Plus the fact that I would have a 3 hour one way drive to pick up the products, I'd lose a whole day.I thought I would be able to buy the products anywhere to build the rocks, but that wasn't the case. I went home and that was the end of my rocks. That is until I saw JPJ Technologies ad and decided to call them. They offered a course in rocks and waterfalls and said they would teach you how to build them with materials available at most hardware stores. Not wanting to go through another course and be sold 'packages' at the end, I called them to confirm this. I talked to a nice lady and she signed me up and sent me a huge box of hands on course tapes and materials to watch. Before long I knew that this was the course I was looking for. It teaches a lot of ways to build rocks and waterfalls for pennies on the dollar compared to the 'other' course and I get all my materials locally. I learned how to make all of the secret mixes the Boulder Image course offered in packages and a lot more including deck mixes. The hands-on part was a lot of fun learning how to texture rocks and how to paint them. Jim at JPJ Technologies kept his promise and you couldn't get him to sell you anything. Now to the bottom line, having gone through both courses the JPJ course was more expensive up front but so far I've built a large double waterfall, a 15' oval boulderized planter, 5 large boulders and still haven't spent what the class cost in materials. Any questions and the JPJ support is only a phone call away with the answers. Many thanks to JPJ Technologies for enabling me to create just about anything out of rocks and enhancing the beauty of my homes for next to nothing. I am an extremely satisfied customer.

Gary Card
Gary W. Card General Contracting





          Feb 6, 7 & 8

            Mar 20, 21 & 22

              Apr 17, 18 & 19

                Portland, OR

                James P Jenkins

                • President/Founder
                  • Instructor since 1989
                    • CALL TO REGISTER


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