If you look around the industry today you will find many companies offering products and technologies allowing you to add or strengthen faux rock water feature installations for your business. They will train you on the installation of their product for little or no money counting on your continued purchase of their product. They all take simple procedures, mix common elements, package them in boxes, bags, buckets, and bottles, then palletize them. They proceed to sell them as Magic faux rock systems at inflated prices with a secretive proprietary stance. They want to sell you franchises, distributorships and or protected territories along with the hope of selling you one product package after another…
Product, Product, Product!
At JPJ Tech, Inc. we offer you the keys not only to save money, but to ensure you also have the knowledge to earn more money by giving you the processes techniques and formulas. We have no desire to receive any future revenues from your company after your initial fees. We sell no product to build or fabricate faux rock, just the techniques and formulas developed over 39 years of field experience. We offer monthly hands on training courses limited to 10-15 people at a maximum. If you are unable to come to us, you can order the 15 Day- Updated Synthetic Rock Training Course, or we can come to your location and train